Sunday 18 September 2011

My Booky Wook

My Favourite booky wook at the moment is... Drumroll please "badadadaddadadadda" THE GONE SERIES BY MICHAEL GRANT!!! *faint* Gone is so amazingly fabulous because of everything. It makes be laugh, gasp, laugh, cry (not really), laugh more, and sometimes it makes me so disgusted I want to go vomit. So basically this book is my Heaven.
I have always wanted to write a story as great as Gone but my stories seem to be a cockroach compared to the dragon Michael Grant has invented.

Here's a list of the five best books/series of all time (no exceptions)
In first place comes Gone!
Coming closely in second place is The Sisters Grimm
Third Place is Harry Potter 
Fourth Place, The Knife of never letting go
And last but not least in fifth place is The Hunger games

Hakuna Matata

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