Sunday 18 September 2011

I haven't had a writing lesson for a while now (a while now, a while now, a while now). That echo was there to emphasize the long time it has been since my last writing lesson.
I do my writing lessons with Richard so I am one of the "lucky" people who has to write an Explanation, an Argument and a Narrative.

I wrote my Argument on why water bottles are better than glasses (the drinking type). I did finish it but I was/am still having trouble finding the perfect finishing sentence.
I began a narrative about a time travel murder mystery near the beginning of the year with Merren and Gabrielle but I don't think we'll be able to finish that in time. I'm going to see if I can use my House story.
And for my Explanation, well I wrote about that in one of my previous blogs.

Hakuna Matata

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