Sunday 2 October 2011

Finish it off

He stared at the monitor; his face was lit up by the light from the screen. The room was dark, the hum of the machine was the most dominant noise in the room. He twisted in his seat trying to find a comfortable position. The wires prevented him from ever finding a comfortable spot but still he tried. No luck. A small beep from the computer focused his attention, it was beginning. He spun around and tapped a few keys on the keyboard with no hesitation. The sirens were flaring above his head now. "No, no, no!" he cried unwrapping the key hanging around his neck and injected it into a small slot. There was a hiss and a puff of smoke coming from the safety deposit across the room. With superhuman speed he raced to the small door. Inside the box was a large red button that said in thick black letters "EJECT". His clenched fist plummeted down onto the button. Suddenly the sirens stopped, the flashing lights faded and all that could be heard was the huffing and puffing of his breath. He gripped the desk for support and slowly made his way over to the machine sitting atop the desk. With shaky hands he pulled down the lever and two slightly burnt pieces of toast sprung out of it. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Hakuna Matata

Monday 26 September 2011


I'm very giddy right now. Not only did I receive a for my writing sample this term but I got a 5A!!
"You're kidding right?" I said too shocked to show any expression. Richard shook his head. I looked back down at the 5A written on my story. I swiveled in my seat to See Rose and Mrinali watching me anxiously. I nodded at them grinning. "You got a 5?" Rose asked me mouth agape. "I got a 5A." I said. Mrinali threw away her pencil and Rose stood up so suddenly, the chair fell to the ground. I was feeling very giddy indeed.


Wednesday 21 September 2011

A special excerpt or two, just for you.

Now this blog entry is rather long. Don't feel obliged to read it all

High School Nerdical- A musical Alisha and I wrote in year 6

Scene 7: the Bronson household

Gjim: Mommy!
Mrs. Bronson: Yes sweetie pie, pumpkin, darling, Ice-cream soda with whipped cream and a fat, ripe, juicy cherry on top?
Gjim: Mom! I'm allergic to Pumpkins and cherries, and ice cream and chocolate, and Lollies and candy, wait not candy-candy, candy sweets! Anyway, nobody at school likes me anymore just because I got up to level 2 on PE! And everyone has a girlfriend or Boyfriend too! Even Nerd
Scene 8: the Cinema

Nerd: Hai Sweet thing!
Emo Girl: I hate life.
(Stabs herself)

Scene 9: Bronson house
Gjim: See?
Mrs. Bronson: Yes well, this pensive is getting old, but I love you!
(Pucks lips and Leans forward, ready to kiss him)
Gjim: Momma noooooooooo!
(Punches Mrs. Bronson. Throw Barbie doll across the field. Rewind)
Mrs. Bronson: Yes well, the Pensvie is getting old, but I love you!
(Pucks lips and leans forward again. Gjim hesitates and grabs Mrs. Bronson’s pinky)
Gjim: What happens when I flex my pinky?
Mrs. Bronson: No, not the washy finger! Im so scared! It’s meant to blow you up
(Gjim flexs pinky. Throw Barbie doll)

And another one..

Scene 12: Nerdilicouis high school auditorium- Show night

Principal: Ladies and Gentle men, Its my pleasure to…
Mrs. B: My Baby! Mommy loves you Gjimmy! Good luck, we are filming it and we  are putt……
Principal: Shh! Now, it is my pleasure to welcome the princess and tree to the Nerdilicious high school stage!
(Curtains open and Gjim stands in tree pose)
Gjim: I am a Treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, A very lonely Treeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, And I’m standing in the fooooooooooooorest waiting for someone to cooome to meeeeee.
(Candy enters)
Candy: Ohhhhh, what a beautiful Tree I think I might hug as a good deeeeeeed
(George enters)
Principal: Its Princess Caroline, You idiot!
(Nerd enters)
Nerd: Hey, Guys What’s up? Omg! A tree! With carbon molecules!!
(Nerd runs off)

A couple of ground rules for a city in my current story

1.    No shoes on Tuesdays

2.    When meeting someone new you must get down onto your knees and say “Olah Lolah”
3.    Always wave with your left hand
4.    Animals smaller than a cat are forbidden in the city
5.    The colour orange is forbidden
6.    Children must say “Hiya Y'all” when greeting an acquaintance
7.    Green pants are forbidden
8.    None shall speak foully of the King
9.    None shall venture outside of  territory unless with special orders.
10.      None shall speak of Exportius Fatimi

And maybe one more... How about part two to my writing sample?

One afternoon when House was watering the gardens he spotted a young girl peeking at the house through the trees. She tugged on her mother’s shirt and pointed to the house. The mother scolded her daughter and kept walking down the track. The girl glanced at the house once more before scampering after her mother.

House had seen many people walking in the forest before, so the little girl was certainly not the first. He did not expect her to return until he felt a knock on the front door a few days later. “Hello? Is anybody home? Hello?” the girl called out pounding her chubby fist on the front door. She moved over to stare through the window having to wipe it with her sleeve, for her breath fogged up the glass. She gazed at the kitchen for a minute then resorted to kicking around a pebble. She nonchalantly looked up at the chimney then back down at her feet. She tottered over to the door and reached up, high above her head, turned the doorknob with both hands and simply let herself in. Just like that. 

I think that will do..

Hakuna Matata

Sunday 18 September 2011

I haven't had a writing lesson for a while now (a while now, a while now, a while now). That echo was there to emphasize the long time it has been since my last writing lesson.
I do my writing lessons with Richard so I am one of the "lucky" people who has to write an Explanation, an Argument and a Narrative.

I wrote my Argument on why water bottles are better than glasses (the drinking type). I did finish it but I was/am still having trouble finding the perfect finishing sentence.
I began a narrative about a time travel murder mystery near the beginning of the year with Merren and Gabrielle but I don't think we'll be able to finish that in time. I'm going to see if I can use my House story.
And for my Explanation, well I wrote about that in one of my previous blogs.

Hakuna Matata

My Booky Wook

My Favourite booky wook at the moment is... Drumroll please "badadadaddadadadda" THE GONE SERIES BY MICHAEL GRANT!!! *faint* Gone is so amazingly fabulous because of everything. It makes be laugh, gasp, laugh, cry (not really), laugh more, and sometimes it makes me so disgusted I want to go vomit. So basically this book is my Heaven.
I have always wanted to write a story as great as Gone but my stories seem to be a cockroach compared to the dragon Michael Grant has invented.

Here's a list of the five best books/series of all time (no exceptions)
In first place comes Gone!
Coming closely in second place is The Sisters Grimm
Third Place is Harry Potter 
Fourth Place, The Knife of never letting go
And last but not least in fifth place is The Hunger games

Hakuna Matata

Wednesday 14 September 2011

So I was looking around in my writing books recently. I'm not very proud to announce they're not particularly full.I can honestly say that the last time I did my narrative story was a wee while ago. And by A wee while a mean a while.
On a happier note I discovered what I'm going to write my Explanation piece on! Prepare yourself for to learn how... Sound travels through the air.. Ooooooooh, Spooky! Not really. But hey, now I have something to write about, right?

Hakuna Matata

Monday 12 September 2011

Writing samples over, THANK GOD!

I'm so glad it's over; the writing gods really helped me in my time of need. I hope they noticed my potential and won't abandon me for the rest of the year. Please?
I managed to pull together a story at the last minute and it went pretty well! I think I could have done better though.

Hakuna Matata

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Dear Writing Gods

I knew there was a catch.

It's the last day of writing sample week tomorrow and I sort have haven't even finished writing... 

The pressure is on.

Hakuna Matata (I hope)

Monday 5 September 2011

Dear Writing Gods


Legionnaire?        NOPE!
Living House?      YEAH!

Finally I have an idea for the writing sample that might actually work!! I'm not going to give to much away, but here is the first few sentences.

A rose covered cottage waits, hidden in the Abrina hills. The cottage lies unknown to many and to others, but a fairytale. The house has no owners, only friends. Once he had a very special friend, but that was a very long time ago.

Hakuna Matata

Sunday 4 September 2011

Scrap that last one

What about a roman legionarie with a scottish accent charging towards an enemy army ends up charging right through a worm hole and turns up in the year three thousand and something and then some other stuff happens...

How about no? 
Okay so we keep the legionnaire but how about we stay in his timezone, yeah? But with a twist. The roman army has all of the modern weaponry we have today. Guns, trucks and of course the beloved air force. How about that?

Oh and I'll need some advice of what to call him.
Decimus Maximus or Darcius Malleosa?

Hakuna Matata

Writing sample

Dear writing gods,
Love Nancy xxxxxxx (pwetty pwease?)

Yeah so we have to do a writing sample. Heres what my inner beast has to say... "DIE! DIE! DIE! *breaks down into tears* WWWWWWHHHHHHYYYYYY????"

So I have one idea. What about a roman legionarie with a scottish accent charging towards an enemy army ends up charging right through a worm hole and turns up in the year three thousand and something and then some other stuff happens...
Geez, I feel like I'm selling a movie script to Warner Bros.

Hakuna Matata

Hakuna Matata

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, friends and foes, and Carly and Richard... Welcome to my fabulous writing blog where I will share my writing issues, accomplishments and maybe even a snippet of whatever I happen to be writing!
As you might have guessed my name is Nancy and I signed up for a blog experiment for my teacher Carly (still trying to figure out if that's a positive or a negative, hopefully positive). I am thirteen years old and I used to adore writing and now the writing gods frown upon me.
I hope this blog will entertain whoever might end up reading this.
I'm the awesome one in the back
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